Back before technology took over our lives, if you wanted to convey a message, you had only a few choices: You could either talk to a person on the phone, handwrite a letter, or actually converse face-to-face. And that was pretty much it. But, the options we have when it comes to communication have exploded in the last couple decades. And though I'm sometimes at odds with the fast-paced correspondence of today, I recognize that each of these options has a distinct value.
First came email. I still live for long, meaty emails where I can unload paragraph after verbose, emotive paragraph -- ahh, sweet indulgence. I love IM for covering the essentials of the day, cracking up in real time with far-away friends, sharing a quick link or dishing the latest gossip. And then there's text, which I'll never fully embrace. The world seems to enjoy its choppy shorthand, but for me, it's a little
too impersonal, and often leaves me feeling estranged. So, obviously Twitter is of little use to me either. And there are all the new options that come from Facebook: you can announce to the world that you're now In A Relationship, present your political stance, or share your favorite
falling penguin video. And let's not forget the fine art of the Facebook comment: keep it light, get your point across quickly, and above all, be clever -- the world is reading! (Not to mention its old offshoot, the Evite comment: same deal, but for some reason, with added pressure.) Across online media, there's the simple gesture of the 'like': quickly give your acknowledgement, without committing so much as a single word -- it's like the digital equivalent of a nonchalant chin-nod.
Not that you need words to communicate anymore: you can post a photo to show how cool you are (or how adorable your kids are, or how amazing your morning smoothie looks). Then apply a filter to make your yellow fluorescent-lit living room look retro-sexy, and add some blur to fuzz out those embarrassing magazines on the counter. You can
combine five photos together to pack even more information into a single image. And then there's the amazing world of animated gifs. Seems like hardly a coincidence that it sounds so much like 'gift', when it grants us gems like this:
My medium of choice? Bullet points. I employ them at work, whenever I'm faced with the delicious task of technical communication*, and they're so effective there that of course they bleed into my regular life.
So, on with it. Let's discuss last night's dinner. It was too good not to share. This recipe was inspired by:
- This amazing-looking recipe for cauliflower and feta fritters. I always feel an affinity for Smitten Kitchen's vegetably main course recipes (not that the margarita cookies are anything to scoff at). Boiling, then mashing, then adding then egg, then frying seemed like way too many steps for me, but the combination of cauliflower and feta sounded awesome.
- The insanely delicious fried cauliflower at Sunnin Lebanese restaurant in Westwood. We used to go here in college back when it was a tiny and brightly lit hole-in-the-wall. Now they've got a big fancy dining room. Not the same, but the cauliflower, deep fried until it's totally browned on the outside and served with tahini, is a revelation. Who knew you could crave cauliflower?
- The fact that I had a half a cauliflower in my fridge that was nearing its last days. (the start of most recipes in my kitchen...just living the Everlasting Meal dream...)
- The miracle of modern technology that is the 10-minute farro at Trader Joe's. Have you had farro? It's awesome. It's a slightly sweet, flavorful grain with a bit of satisfying chewiness to it. It makes great grain-based salads, both hot and cold. Sadly, it takes about 45 minutes to cook, but the other day I discovered small bags of par-boiled farro at Trader Joe's that cook up in 10 minutes. Tremendous.

So, I put all these inspirations together, added in some other scroungy things from my kitchen -- fresh chives, dried mint that was once fresh, and some toasted slivered almonds from the freezer, and came up with a warm, filling, and balanced dinner salad. As always with these saladbook guys, variations driven by what is in your kitchen and what is your flavor preference, are wildly encouraged. Please share your findings!
* My friend Jon had a t-shirt that said "I know I'm efficient, tell me I'm beautiful." In nerdy moments like these, that sentiment resonates like no other.
Warm Farro Salad with Cauliflower and Feta
This would be just as good cold (though I'd add an extra squeeze of lemon juice right before serving).
1/2 cup 10-minute farro
Olive oil
1/2 a head of cauliflower, split into florets (smaller florets are better, because you get more browny bits and it cooks faster, but whatev)
2 Tbs slivered almonds
Dried mint (or fresh)
2 Tbs crumbled feta
Chives, chopped
Lemon juice
Make the farro according to the package's 'simmer' instructions. While it's simmering, heat a large pan over medium-high heat. Add cauliflower and a tablespoon or two of olive oil. Sautee for about 10 minutes, turning pieces occasionally so all sides have a chance to brown. In the last minute or so, add the cumin, slivered almonds, and mint, and toss to combine. (Note: if your slivered almonds are raw or blanched, throw them in a couple minutes early so they have a chance to toast.) Turn off heat under cauliflower. Add farro, leaving any liquid in the pot. Add feta, chives, and lemon juice, and toss to combine thoroughly. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
Variations I want to try:
- something sweet: pomegranate, dried cranberries, raisins?
- maybe broccoli instead of cauliflower, maybe roasted instead of fried (we like roasted broccoli around here.)
- tahini in the dressing (that's what the amazing fried business at Sunnin is served with)
- honey in the dressing
- sunflower seeds or pine nuts instead of the almonds